Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Update on Mom

We went into town around 9:30ish to see if there was any news about Mom. She was still in the
ICU because there was trouble getting her off the breathing tube. But Josh reported that otherwise, the recovery was going well. Yay Mom! We stayed in town for a couple of hours (had
brunch at an “internet café”…which was an old fashioned café with one booth set up with a tower computer. So quaint!). Jeremiah arranged for his roommate to pick up Lacey from Prairie Lodge. We then spent quite a bit of time trying to find a new campsite. Jeremiah and I were both frustrated by the terrible websites run by the TN state parks/forests. I miss the MN state park online res system already. It’s hard to find places that will fit a rig as long as ours. Unless
places have been remodeled for big rigs, they don’t tend to be big enough. Online data is skimpy, and we have to call a lot of places.

We gave up and went back up the mountain. Missy and I took the dogs on a long hike around the lake. We discussed our options, and decided we would just make the move to a fancy,
expensive RV resort near to the next river we’d be kayaking. This way, we could be in cell range for phone calls and updates on Mom. No more worrying about being out of touch. So we packed up the kayaks and loaded the scooter in the fitty garage in anticipation of leaving the next morning. We watched the amazing race together and called it a night.

Jeremiah woke me up at 11:30 pm screaming for the dogs. Some woodland creature had walked up the ramp into our garage and was foraging for food. (We have dog food and some groceries in there). Apparently it took some time to get the lazy dogs up, but then they took their job seriously and rousted the critter. I guess we need to keep the ramp shut during nights we camp in the woods. :-)

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