Saturday, March 24, 2012

Second Paddle On Tellico

So far so good with the new battery. Today we had breezy weather, which made for a 10 degree difference if there was sun or clouds. Maybe low 60s to upper 60s. Usually with weather like this, I would wear my drysuit on the river. But I had the neck gasket replaced and I can’t get it stretched comfortably. It’s odd, because I used the same volleyball to stretch the gasket on my drytop. So I went with neop shorts and drytop again.

We put on the river around 1ish. It started out sunny, but the clouds moved in quickly and we didn’t see sun again. It stated raining at the end, so we got quite cold doing the shuttle. I switched to my blue paddle, and it worked much better for the VillainS. The river was a little bit higher due to the rain. It made things more interesting because water ran the width of the river for the drops,
instead of just in a channel to show you the line. I ran lead after the first coupla drops. Things went fine until I took the left lije on a drop where I should have gone right. I didn’t have the necessary speed to make it, and I was violently flipped and slammed against a boulder. My paddle was pinned (with my hands smashed against the rock). It was wrenched from my hands, and since I sadly don’t have a hand roll, I had to pull. Another frickin swim! Jeremiah made it through fine, but Missy got flipped and she had her head slammed into a rock. Really rang her bell. I thought my thumb was broken because of how much it hurt. But luckily it felt better after about 5 minutes. The rest of the run was fun per usual.

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