Friday, March 23, 2012

Town Visit

Missy and I went into town this morning. We parked in the lot by the library, where there was a strong wifi signal. We got there around 9:15, and until the library opened at 10, we had blazing fast internet. Once people went into the library, it slowed down. We’re going to plan return trips for when the library is closed.

The weather started sunny, but switched to rainy when we drove back to camp. The forecast called for possible thunderstorms, so we decided not to get on the river. Jeremiah took the batter and the empty LP tank into Sweetwater. (We loaded freezer packs into the fridge to keep things cold). He said the battery was dead. It’s frustrating, because this is the second time that’s happened. I’m going to hope that the reason is because we should have brought them in the garage over winters. That theory gives me hope that it won’t happen again due to some expensive electrical issues.

Another lazy day of reading and walks with the dogs (between rain showers). Loud thunderstorms and torrential rains at 4 am.

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