Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mom's Accident

Missy got a nice present from Cassie this morning… Up until last night, we’ve had the campground to ourselves. Since someone had the spot next to us, Missy walked the dogs to the other side of the grounds after the dogs ate. Apparently Cassie ran off and rolled in some Grade A Disgusting Shit. Cassie’s been known to roll in gross stuff, but this time I guess it was supremely offensive. So Missy got to wash Cassie. Good thing I slept in!

The plan for today was that Jeremiah was going to go to an outfitter to get a new neck gasket for his dry top. Since it happened to be by the Ocoee River on a release weekend, he was going to go boat it by himself. Missy and I we’re happy to have another lazy day at camp. It was a cool and breezy day. So we went ahead and indulged in an all-day fire. We “pilfered” some logs from the main campground. A tree had clearly fallen into a campsite, and someone had chainsawed it up and left the wood there in a pile. Jeremiah came back around 3:30. He had some tale of having to go to another outfitter 40 minutes away to get the right part, and then that store didn’t open until 1:30 (I think in the south, you always need to check what hours, if any, an establishment is open on a Sunday). So he didn’t make it to the river before the release was over.

Missy and I had dinner and then went down the Mntn to do internets (parking in the library lot).
We were just wrapping up after about 2 hours (I finished setting up Facebook), when I got an incoming call from an unknown number. Normally I wouldn’t answer an unknown, but I
decided to take this because I thought it might be my mom calling on someone else’s line. But, it turned out to be a nurse from Prairie Lodge (where my mom is a resident). She said my mom had fallen and hit her head, and they tried to get ahold of Josh (older brother) but couldn’t. She wanted me to tell her if we’d take Mom to Urgent Care, or if an ambulance should be called. I let her know I was in TN, and couldn’t come. I said I’d try to get ahold of Josh, and if not, call her back. Missy and I we’re worried about Mom, and it’s tough being so far away in an emergency. Luckily, I was able to get ahold of Josh, and he said he’d call Prairie Lodge back and take care of things. I offered to stick around in range in case he needed something, but Josh was gracious and said we could go back to camp. I told him we’d come back down the mntn tomorrow at 11 am to talk and get an update.

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