Saturday, March 31, 2012

First Paddle On Big South Fork

The plan was to get going right after lunch. It was taking a bit longer than we'd expected to warm up, so Missy and I wanted to delay departure to ensure warm enough weather that we wouldn't need cold weather gear. Jeremiah was against delay, but then we got a call from Josh and Mom, so we talked with them for a bit. Finally got out of camp around 1:00. We parked the scootie at the takeout and headed for the put-in. It was only about 17 miles, but due to windy roads it took about 45 minutes. There was a great surprise waiting for us at the put-in: a sign that said there's been a spillage from the wastewater treatment plant and that it was not recommended to come in contact with the water. We tried calling the number on the notice for more deets, but there was no answer (prolly cause it's Saturday). There were no other yakkers to ask. So we finally just decided to go for it. There's a ¼ trail down the mountain to the put-in. I actually went ahead and hiked down and back up to make sure this was the put-in. Hiking down with a kayak isn't bad, but if we'd gotten down and discovered the trail wasn't to the put-in….a hike back UP with yaks would have been brutal.

We got down to the river and had a little rest. No more worries about the temp. It was mid-70s and mostly sunny. Very warm. No obvious feces in the water, so we took off. AW gauge said it was 1300, but we can't be sure. There are posts on Boatertalk about the gauges being broken. Gorgeous scenery and perfectly wild. The drops were fun, pool drops that were for the most part boat scoutable. Jeremiah had a blast, per usual, being probe. We got out to scout the class IV rapid. I had read up on it on the AW site. I could see the line, but decided to walk since I wasn't sure I wouldn't get a beat down in my play boat. Although she had the creeker, Missy walked too. After some more fun class III drops, the river changed characteristics and there was a ton more roily-boily rapids to deal with. So tough in a playboat. Jeremiah and I were bracing fools, whereas Missy had no troubles floating through in her creeker.

We got out to look at one other rapid. It was tricky because of a pourover hole at the entrance which kept you from a neat left line to avoid a massive hole slightly downriver on the right. We talked over lines, had some miscommunication on lines, and finally fired it up. Missy was going to watch us go first (and film) before deciding on running or walking. I was nervous, but mostly confident that I would be fine. I cinched in my backband extra tight to give me more control (thus far this trip, I've been cheating with a looser backband so that my legs don't go dead too quickly). I peeled out after Jeremiah, and watched him for further right that I thought we had discussed. And in fact he did have to do some furious paddling to break through and avoid the hole. I lined up perfectly, and was proceeding as planned. I had just burst through a wave jumble and was going to execute my move to carve right, when….disaster! I kicked out of my backband! FUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!! I've never done that before, and the feeling is horrific. Immediate loss of control and no ability to steer. I was flipped by the current and swept over into the sketchy looking eddie (that we'd planned on avoiding). I tried setting up for my roll, but sadly I've never practiced a combat roll where my leg was out. So I panicked and pulled. I got smashed up against rocks under water, scraped my knuckles again, and finally surfaced downstream. Didn't get trapped in the eddy at least. Jeremiah got my paddle and boat, and I headed downstream to meet him. Missy got scared watching me (not knowing it was a backband fail and not a tough rapid), so she walked the rapid. (She screamed when she saw a huge snake in the rocks). I was so disappointed I wanted to cry. I was proud of my scout and line and it is so frustrating to have equipment failure. The rest of the run, I triple checked my backband before every rapid. :-)

We had a long flatwater paddle at the end. According to AW, you can skip the last 2 miles (of the 6 mile run) with an alternative take-out. We'll definitely do that next time. Jeremiah ran the shuttle in about 45 minutes! He must have been flying on the scootie and then the truck ride back. I googled the wastewater spill, and found that it happened about a week ago and all possible contanimants have been long flushed down river. Phew!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Travel to Bandy Creek Campground

A decision is made! We’re packing up and heading to the Bandy Creek Campground, which is in
Big South Fork National River & Recreation Area, Oneida, TN. First, we did some projects before packing up and leaving Deer Run. Missy and Jeremiah used the sawzall to cut a hole in the white shelves in the garage. Somehow this was necessary so the scootie could be driven in frontwards and access the tie-down. They both seemed quite pleased with the end result. Missy cut up the smelly carpet from the bedroom. We thought we’d have to buy some replacement, but luckily we discovered the linoleum continued all the way. I had to back up the truck to the spigot to clean out the antifreeze that Jeremiah spilled. He punctured the jug when tossing in the scootie ramp. We also emptied out the broken gas can and junked it. Jeremiah spent hours trying to figure out a new ROM for his phone. Finally, as noon started to roll around, some storm clouds showed up so we finalized our pack up and pulled out just as it started to rain.

We talked to Josh, and found that Mom was being discharged from the hospital. She is recovering
very quickly. She’ll be in a nursing home in Crystal for a week to recover.
Stopped at Walmart for supplies we needed and stock up on groceries. We made final calls on the
way to Josh and Ed because we read a comment that there was no phone coverage in the campground. We got to Bandy Creek (which was back into Eastern Time…it’s tough going back and forth) at around 4 pm. We parked at the entrance and took the scootie around the 3 loops to look for the best campsite. It was tricky finding one. The campground is open year round, but from April 1-Nov 1, you can reserve sites online. So we are in the strange position of having to go find a site for a first-come-first-served basis for the last 2 nights of March, but then having to go online to make sure no one had it reserved starting April 1st. (No one was manning the office).
Luckily, we had phone service! So we could go online and see what was available. We finally decided on B11, which was one of only 5 sites to have 50amps electric. (All sites have water and 30 amp). $22/night. We are psyched for the extra amperage because it’s sposed to get into the 80s, and this means we can run the air conditioner and have the fridge and water heater going at the same time. The sites aren’t very private, but for now we are the only people in loop B. Hopefully it will stay that way for our week.

We made supper and then got a call from Josh. He was with mom at her new digs. We finally got to talk to Mom! She sounded fantastic! I’m so glad she’s healing quickly. Mom had to go to dinner after about 10 minutes, so we chatted with Josh a bit more. Made plans to try skype on Sunday morning.

Jeremiah and I (and the pooches) drove to the takeout for our next run. Leatherman Ford(?) on
the Cumberland. It’s only about 5 miles from our campsite! I love camping close to the runs! The river is wide, and green, but it’s running fast, so that bodes well for a fun run. The gauge shows that this level is just on the low side of acceptable, so I’m hopeful for a fun run tomorrow. The takeout is very nice, with changing rooms and plenty of parking. This is the start
of a trail for horse riders, so there was plenty of big trailer parking. I took the dogs down river for a bit of a hike. It was getting dark, so I only got about 20 minutes. The dogs sure found lots to sniff and investigate (sometime straight up the mountain, so I had to call Buddy back so he didn’t hurt himself).

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Clear Creek Paddle

We took advantage of the water hookup to fill up the black tank completely. It hasn’t been done
yet, and the sensor has clearly been blocked since it always reads ¾ full, even freshly after a dump. It didn’t take very long, and after dumping using the sewer line, we have an empty reading for the sensor. Yay! We spent even more time debating options for camping (it’s tough to complain, since I know I’m on a great trip and all, but this is starting to be stressful!) Maybe
we’ll just pack up tomorrow and take off and let the wind be our guide. Anyway, Missy and Jeremiah loaded up their kayaks to go run Clear Creek. I stayed in camp with the dogs. I wasn’t feeling paddling, and was looking forward to some alone time. I walked the dogs and read in the hammock and may or may not have napped. I finished up the downloads, and got caught up on blog entries whilst sitting outside looking at the pond. Now I just need to get the blog up on the internet.

Missy and Jeremiah returned around 6:30. [Insert Story of Clear Creek Run Here]

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Travel Day to RV Park

We went for our traditional leaving day group outing (this being the second time of the new tradition. The first was the trip to the dam when at the eagle river in CO). 4 miles from our campground was the Citico Creek. If there had been a bit more rain, this was one run we were looking at getting on. Sigh. It looked fun and scenic. And it was roadside, so scouting and portaging would have been a breeze. Frickin drought! Oh How I Curse Thee! But the hike was fun and the dogs were happy to not be left behind. (Pix from this hike were mistakenly uploaded to last post. Oh Well)

When we got back to camp, we finished loading up. Then it was time for Missy and I to hook up the rig by ourselves and figure out how to get it out of the spot. Again, it took forever…well, 30 minutes at least. But I think some of the lessons Jeremiah gives about angles and arcs etc are finally sinking in. We got er out and went to the beautiful new dump station. This park is really,
really nice. If we’re in the area again, I would definitely stay here.

We traveled about 2 hours to Crossville TN. Back into Central time. We got to the RV resort. $40/night. Pricey! And especially so since they don’t have the wifi and cable installed yet. But the site is nice and big, and the rv park is only about 10% full. Plus, we get utilities, so we’re making the most of them to get our money’s worth. So not too bad. We were going to get a pull-thru site, but I bucked up and asked for a back-in so we could have practice. The site is off a curved road, so it was certainly tricky for novices. Jeremiah would have parked the rig in 30 seconds on one try. Missy and I had about 20 tries (we tried doing it all on our own with no advice) and ended up completely hugging one side (instead of centered in the parking pad). We called it close enough and started to get unpacked. Jeremiah stepped in and offered to straighten it out. Is it cheating if we let him? I do feel as if I learned out how we messed up by watching him fix it. One small travel disaster: Missy didn’t put our bedroom water jug (2 gallon) on the floor. It toppled and
spilled. It has a bad design whereby we have to unscrew the top to get the necessary air draw, so of course it spilled when it tipped. We got out our electric fans (since we have free electricity) and tried to dry it out, but it seems the rug is going to have a lingering smell. We’ll have to get some baking soda or something. Everyone has great phone reception here, so we’re able to use tethering to get internet.

Missy and Jeremiah used the bathhouse (strong water pressure) and we did some laundry. $1.50/load (2 loads) to wash. $1 to dry. Jeremiah somehow thought it would be a good
idea to cram both loads into one dryer. Of course he had to pay another $1 to get everything completely dry. Twice the time of just starting with 2 dryers in the first place. Good thing he’s
enjoying his ebook. Missy also utilized the electricity to cook her crockpot turkey chili. She used the outside outlet so the smell wouldn’t overwhelm the rig. It was very spicy, but delicious. Spent some more time looking for campgrounds to move to. We’re in a funny position whereby if we move to a cheaper campground, we lose any savings in gas driving the further distance to the river. So we decided to just stay here another night at least.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Update on Mom

We went into town around 9:30ish to see if there was any news about Mom. She was still in the
ICU because there was trouble getting her off the breathing tube. But Josh reported that otherwise, the recovery was going well. Yay Mom! We stayed in town for a couple of hours (had
brunch at an “internet café”…which was an old fashioned café with one booth set up with a tower computer. So quaint!). Jeremiah arranged for his roommate to pick up Lacey from Prairie Lodge. We then spent quite a bit of time trying to find a new campsite. Jeremiah and I were both frustrated by the terrible websites run by the TN state parks/forests. I miss the MN state park online res system already. It’s hard to find places that will fit a rig as long as ours. Unless
places have been remodeled for big rigs, they don’t tend to be big enough. Online data is skimpy, and we have to call a lot of places.

We gave up and went back up the mountain. Missy and I took the dogs on a long hike around the lake. We discussed our options, and decided we would just make the move to a fancy,
expensive RV resort near to the next river we’d be kayaking. This way, we could be in cell range for phone calls and updates on Mom. No more worrying about being out of touch. So we packed up the kayaks and loaded the scooter in the fitty garage in anticipation of leaving the next morning. We watched the amazing race together and called it a night.

Jeremiah woke me up at 11:30 pm screaming for the dogs. Some woodland creature had walked up the ramp into our garage and was foraging for food. (We have dog food and some groceries in there). Apparently it took some time to get the lazy dogs up, but then they took their job seriously and rousted the critter. I guess we need to keep the ramp shut during nights we camp in the woods. :-)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Mom's Brain Surgery (!) and Third trip on Tellico

Poor Mom! When we got into range, I’d had a series of texts from Josh during the night. He ended up bringing Mom to HCMC, where she had an MRI and they found a hematoma. She had emergency brain surgery that night! Thankfully, the surgery was a success and she should heal fine. I feel horrible that I’m so far away. Mom, if you’re reading this: I’m so sorry that you got
injured, and I’m so glad that you’re going to be okay! We couldn’t talk to Mom because she was
still in ICU. Josh said he’d give us her number once she was moved to a room. So we’ll be going back into range tomorrow to try to connect with her.

Since there was nothing more we could do to help Mom or Josh, we went for another run on the Tellico. I was still reeling a bit from the awful news and feeling a bit guilty for kayaking when my Mom was in the ICU, but since there really was nothing I could do, I put on with the others. Missy had brought her creek boat to dust the cobwebs out. At the last minute, she changed her mind to her 4Fun. But then we discovered that the locks were accidentally left with the scootie. So I said the 4Fun would fit in the truck cab. BOTH Missy and Jeremiah scoffed at me and said no way it would fit. But it did! HAH! Those people who know me know that I am horrible at estimating distances and measurements, so this was quite the moment for me!

The river was a bit lower this time. Each level gives the river new character and challenges. Luckily, we had perfect weather! Sunny and mid 70s. No names, but the person in the blue Villian
S had a bit of an issue on the first drop and ended up going down a drop sideways. The person in the Monstar said the aforementioned person had a chance to decide to take the correct line backwards, or the wrong line forwards. But the person in the VillianS dilly-dallied, and the river made the choice for her: broaching on 2 rocks. Pull and a swim. The Villian got lodged right above the last little drop in the line, so I pushed it when I passed by and it came free. No injuries
to boat or boater, so we continued on. I was having a blast in my Allstar. I was a little nervous at the start to be doing a beginners creek run in my playboat, but it was a blast. There was just one other tiny incident where the person in the VillainS got screwed by the lower water and couldn’t make a sharp left curve between rocks. She pitoned and failed her first roll attempt. Whilst upside down, she slammed into another rock and dropped her paddle. Pull and a swim. Too bad, these
drops are super-friendly pool drops, so she totally could have gone for a T-rescue from the guy in the Monstar. We had a lovely float in the nice weather.

Afterwards, we headed back to camp. Missy and Jeremiah indulged in showers, and we are having another fire tonight (where I am currently composing this entry). Tomorrow we’ll check up on Mom, hopefully get to talk to her, and then make decisions on whether to stay at this campsite (which is private and wonderful for non-paddling activities) or seek out a new
campground closer to running rivers. (BTW- I finally remembered to take the camera to the river
today…and as I was about to take a picture of a group of 15-20 yellow monarch butterflies, the camera turned on only long enough to say “batter dead” and then it shut off. Grr.)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mom's Accident

Missy got a nice present from Cassie this morning… Up until last night, we’ve had the campground to ourselves. Since someone had the spot next to us, Missy walked the dogs to the other side of the grounds after the dogs ate. Apparently Cassie ran off and rolled in some Grade A Disgusting Shit. Cassie’s been known to roll in gross stuff, but this time I guess it was supremely offensive. So Missy got to wash Cassie. Good thing I slept in!

The plan for today was that Jeremiah was going to go to an outfitter to get a new neck gasket for his dry top. Since it happened to be by the Ocoee River on a release weekend, he was going to go boat it by himself. Missy and I we’re happy to have another lazy day at camp. It was a cool and breezy day. So we went ahead and indulged in an all-day fire. We “pilfered” some logs from the main campground. A tree had clearly fallen into a campsite, and someone had chainsawed it up and left the wood there in a pile. Jeremiah came back around 3:30. He had some tale of having to go to another outfitter 40 minutes away to get the right part, and then that store didn’t open until 1:30 (I think in the south, you always need to check what hours, if any, an establishment is open on a Sunday). So he didn’t make it to the river before the release was over.

Missy and I had dinner and then went down the Mntn to do internets (parking in the library lot).
We were just wrapping up after about 2 hours (I finished setting up Facebook), when I got an incoming call from an unknown number. Normally I wouldn’t answer an unknown, but I
decided to take this because I thought it might be my mom calling on someone else’s line. But, it turned out to be a nurse from Prairie Lodge (where my mom is a resident). She said my mom had fallen and hit her head, and they tried to get ahold of Josh (older brother) but couldn’t. She wanted me to tell her if we’d take Mom to Urgent Care, or if an ambulance should be called. I let her know I was in TN, and couldn’t come. I said I’d try to get ahold of Josh, and if not, call her back. Missy and I we’re worried about Mom, and it’s tough being so far away in an emergency. Luckily, I was able to get ahold of Josh, and he said he’d call Prairie Lodge back and take care of things. I offered to stick around in range in case he needed something, but Josh was gracious and said we could go back to camp. I told him we’d come back down the mntn tomorrow at 11 am to talk and get an update.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Second Paddle On Tellico

So far so good with the new battery. Today we had breezy weather, which made for a 10 degree difference if there was sun or clouds. Maybe low 60s to upper 60s. Usually with weather like this, I would wear my drysuit on the river. But I had the neck gasket replaced and I can’t get it stretched comfortably. It’s odd, because I used the same volleyball to stretch the gasket on my drytop. So I went with neop shorts and drytop again.

We put on the river around 1ish. It started out sunny, but the clouds moved in quickly and we didn’t see sun again. It stated raining at the end, so we got quite cold doing the shuttle. I switched to my blue paddle, and it worked much better for the VillainS. The river was a little bit higher due to the rain. It made things more interesting because water ran the width of the river for the drops,
instead of just in a channel to show you the line. I ran lead after the first coupla drops. Things went fine until I took the left lije on a drop where I should have gone right. I didn’t have the necessary speed to make it, and I was violently flipped and slammed against a boulder. My paddle was pinned (with my hands smashed against the rock). It was wrenched from my hands, and since I sadly don’t have a hand roll, I had to pull. Another frickin swim! Jeremiah made it through fine, but Missy got flipped and she had her head slammed into a rock. Really rang her bell. I thought my thumb was broken because of how much it hurt. But luckily it felt better after about 5 minutes. The rest of the run was fun per usual.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Town Visit

Missy and I went into town this morning. We parked in the lot by the library, where there was a strong wifi signal. We got there around 9:15, and until the library opened at 10, we had blazing fast internet. Once people went into the library, it slowed down. We’re going to plan return trips for when the library is closed.

The weather started sunny, but switched to rainy when we drove back to camp. The forecast called for possible thunderstorms, so we decided not to get on the river. Jeremiah took the batter and the empty LP tank into Sweetwater. (We loaded freezer packs into the fridge to keep things cold). He said the battery was dead. It’s frustrating, because this is the second time that’s happened. I’m going to hope that the reason is because we should have brought them in the garage over winters. That theory gives me hope that it won’t happen again due to some expensive electrical issues.

Another lazy day of reading and walks with the dogs (between rain showers). Loud thunderstorms and torrential rains at 4 am.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Lazy Day

Lazy day at camp. Nice sunny weather. We spent a lot of time reading in our hammocks. The
battery is still acting up, needs constant recharging. We discussed options for how to deal with
it. (We can’t just take the battery out to bring to town for testing since the fridge won’t run without it. We don’t want to spoil our food). We still have the whole place to ourselves. Missy and I took the trail over to the closed main campground and explored with the dogs. It reinforces our plan to try to go places off-season whenever possible.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

First Day at Camp, First Paddle on Tellico

Had ourselves a slow morning. Walked the dogs and then spent some time cleaning up the rig and doing final organizing touches. So far, the only thing we know of that was left behind was Missy’s fancy grinding pepper. Jeremiah got out the new replacement side mirror for the scootie that had arrived Mon aft. But alas, it was a right mirror and we need a left. Fricknfrack. We decided to paddle the Tellico after lunch, so Missy and I set up hammocks and Jeremiah got out his chair and we read outside to the chorus of hundreds of birds.

Swapped LP tank.

After lunch, we got ready to go yakking. On the last 2 trips we had to the SE (same time of year), we had weather in the 40s-60s with freezing water temps. But not this time! Sunny and 70-80 degrees. And the water is already warmed up! Woo-hoo! We went to town to do grocery shopping first. (Strange store, bad selection and eclectic at that). We got to the river at 3:30. Everyone just had drytops and shorts. The river was a good level, and we set off for our first paddling in 7 months. (paddling drought due to fall drought in MN). I had some great difficulties at first. I could not control the VillianS. It spun all over and I couldn’t steer for shit. Going down a straightforward class 3 drop, I was spun backwards. This caused me to back into a pseudo-eddy upstream of a huge boulder. The problem was, the water was still streaming around and under the boulder at a brisk rate, so the current caught my edge and flipped me over. I was then pinned up against the boulder upside down. I pulled, and was able to struggle onto shore. After getting back in the water, I finally realized what my problem was. I have a tendency to forget how much more effort it takes to put the VillainS on edge (for steering) than the Allstar. So although in my mind it felt like I was edging, in truth I had a mostly flat kayak. So once I got that corrected,
things went great.

Missy had a good run in her 4fun. She pulled out 2 or 3 awesome “oh shit” braces. Jeremiah, as
usual, was perfect. :-) We got off the river after 1:45 minutes. Missy and Jeremiah scootied up
to the truck while I waited with the yaks. And waited, and waited, and waited. I couldn’t believe how long it was taking them. Turns out they went up the road a bit to scout Baby Falls and watched lots of people running it. Normally that wouldn’t be a big deal, but I was chilly (wet from my swim and the sun was gone from the canyon), so I think they should have returned for me toute suite.

Jeremiah scootied back to the campground. Missy came to pick me and the yaks up. I couldn’t believe how awful the truck smelled! Turns out, she had driven with the parking brake on. Apparently there is no indicator on the dash that it’s on. Drat. I hope the brakes aren’t ruined for our eventual drive down the mountain with a 50 ton RV…

We had dinner and showers and a fire. The dogs roamed far and wide in their explorations. I think that about covers it. So far, this lifestyle is as awesome as imagined!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Travel Days- March 19-20

First day of our adventure. Well, actually it’s the third day, but Missy didn’t want to count the
travel days. The drive from MN to TN went pretty smoothly. Jeremiah had some complaints about 20mph crosswinds on his shift, but the winds were gone when I took over. We left the cities around 3:30pm on Mon, March 19 and Jeremiah drove until 4 am. He parked us in a Walmart parking lot. (Missy and I were already sleeping in the fitty). I woke up about 6:15, fed and
walked the dogs. Missy woke up and we started back on the road around 6:30. We
had an uneventful drive until 11ish, when Jeremiah called us to let us know he was peckish. So we stopped for lunch and he took over driving again.

As we got closed to Tellico Plains we tried to find a place to get freshwater in our tanks. (Not good to drive with full tanks because of the added weight). We had no luck finding anything. So finally Missy called a nearby KOA campground and they said we could fill up for $3. Sweet! And, their teeny-tiny store happened to have this one part we needed. (The valve handle to the gray tank fell off en route).

We got to Tellico Plains at 6ish. I had previously researched forest campgrounds that were 0pened year-round, and we were on our way to one near the Tellico River. (Most of the full
amenities campgrounds with electric and water on site don’t open until Mid-April). We followed the directions from the website until….there was no road where one was supposed to be. Sigh.
We were 10 miles up a mountain road pulling a huge fifth wheel. It could have been scary figuring out how to get turned around. But then…luck! I had known there was a US forest campground
in the area that was mostly closed, but had an “overflow” campground open year-round. And as we were driving up the mountain, there was a sign for Indian Boundary campground up ahead. We turned into the campground area and picked the site we wanted. We have the whole place to ourselves! We’re in a nicely wooded lot, with room for the dogs to explore. And there’s a creek down the hill and hiking trails around the nearby lake. We feel lucky to have found this.
$10/night. Plus, they have garbage bins, an rv dump, and water (grrrr.
Turns out we could have filled up here).

Since we are supposed to take advantage of having Jeremiah around now to learn how to drive, back-up and park the fitty, I jumped in the truck. I was tempted to just have Jeremiah do it, since I was tired and grumpy from the long trip. But I forged ahead, and after 30 minutes of
trying and re-positioning and frustration, we finally got it parked. Hopefully, with more practice, I will be instinctual with my wheel-turns. We microwaved some chili for dinner. Later, as we were sitting around, Missy noticed the fridge error light was lit. We couldn’t figure out what was wrong. It seemed that the light inside the fridge was on the fritz. So then we realized all the lights were dim. Checked the battery level, and it was low! At first Missy and I were upset that it seemed we had a bad battery (the rv’s battery should last a couple of days). But then I realized that I remembered seeing the emergency brake cord swing free when we were parking the fitty.
Jeremiah went to look, and it was disconnected. As we learned on the first night we had the
fitty, this drains the battery in record time. So we ran the genny to charge the battery and also charged the scootie battery while we were at it. After that, Missy and I took the dogs on a walk.
We only had about 20 minutes of light, and then came back and read and went to sleep.