Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Happy Birthday to my younger nephew, Calvin! 1 year old today.

I'm several days behind, and hopefully I'll get motivated to recap those days. But for now, just a quick update. Jeremiah drove an heroic cross-county trip, battling 30mph cross winds and a blazing hot sun burning just his left side. He did all but 2 hours of the whole drive. Thanks Jeremiah!

We left TN at 10 am on Monday morning, and we got to Santa Fe at 7 pm yesterday (Tuesday). We decided to stay at a KOA campground for the night and then make firm plans on where to go after a good nights sleep. We have our eye on a coupla of boondocking campsites in the mountains, but we need to make some calls for appointments for repairs on the truck and fitty. So depending on what appointments we can get, our plans might change.

Sorry for the skimpy post. I'll try to do better this week. :-)

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