Saturday, November 7, 2015

Reed Bingham SP, Adel, GA

November 6-8, 2015

We're here for a quick 2 nights.  Upper 80s when we arrived.  Hoo-boy that can feel uncomfortable!

Woke up this morning to find that Oscar had been busy overnight doing some redecoration.   He saw fit to empty the wall-hung container of it's recycled plastic bags and distribute them one by one to the bedroom floor.   :-)

This morning I drove with Mia to the riverside trail.   I went earlier then I normally would have so I could try to beat the heat.   It was just burning off the morning fog as we started, and there was a super cool effect whereby hundreds of spider webs were highlighted in the mist.  It looked like they were back-lit.   I saw one huge spider in his nest, and 2 smaller ones that had a brilliant neon orange dot on their backs.     That was it for wildlife for the hike.

Tomorrow we take off for Florida!  Looks like we have to travel in the rain again.   Booo.   But at least it cleans the bugs off the windshield.

Mia finds a way to sneak a peak as we were leaving to go shopping

Oscar and Mia checking out the new neighborhood