Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Me and Layers (Melissa Mangrove) sledding down the sand in the Oregon Dunes.  Ahead and around the corner (out of view) is a bystander.  So I had to brake, causing mountains of sand to fly in my open mouth.  And we wiped out.  We could not stand up we were laughing so hard.   That's Missy you can hear laughing as she takes the video
Sledding at the Oregon Dunes.   We were in a race.   Note how Jeremiah cheated and made a huge sand cloud to try and blind me and Melissa.
Missy and I found this neat deep spot on the Sol Duc river.   Most of the river is only a few inches deep.   This river is spectacularly clear.  This video is meant to show how clear it is.

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