Monday, March 4, 2013

Mucho Bueno!

February 25-March 4, 2013

The weather changed to hot and sunny!   With just enough of a breeze to make sitting in the shade sublime.   Finally!    We’ve had to get out extra early to get some exercise in before it gets too hot, but I won’t complain about that.  It’s been heavenly to enjoy the hot weather, especially when we see that we’re missing the cold temps and winter storms hitting most of the US.   :-)  Yesterday we did have to run the genny to use the AC for about 30 minutes or so, the hot weather got to be too much for our furry friends.    It’s surreal to think that by this time next week we’ll actually have to wear winter coats.

We’ve been spending some time with arrangements for getting home and making appointments at home.   Missy decided she didn’t want to leave the warm, free spot to camp in AZ, so we’re staying here until we leave for MN.    Then we debated several options for driving home: how many hours we want to drive per day, where to stop, etc.    Finally, we settled on a leisurely 3 night drive back.    It seemed like a good option to spend the first night at a rest stop in Eastern AZ or Western NM.    Then, after that we’d find RV parks to have yutes for electric heat for the cold overnights.    Missy found us a couple of rest stop options, and I found the RV parks.    But then, at the end of planning, I looked up the weather for the rest stop.   Crap!   It was forecast to be quite cold, with the overnight low at 20.    That’s just too cold when not hooked up.   We won’t have the genny out, so the batteries can’t supports a full night of furnace use.    So it’s back to the drawing board.   Luckily, I remembered that there are casinos every 10 miles in NM, so I quickly found one that we can stay at for the first night.

That solved getting home.   Then we had to tackle an unanticipated problem at home…parking the rig.    We weren’t planning for the snow and cold.   With snowbanks, it would be near impossible to get parked.   We usually use every inch of space on a cleared street (and some inches of our neighbors yard…shhh!).   With snow taking away feet of space, we probably can’t get parked.   So that means we had to look for a storage spot for the month we’ll be home.    After a bit of research, Missy found a spot in buffalo.   We weren’t expecting that expense, but it will be such a relief to not have to worry about parking the rig.

So, to sum up…our itinerary looks as follows:   Leave Borrego Springs early on Thursday.  Overnights in NM, KS and IA.    Get home on Sunday afternoon and unpack everything from the RV.   Get wonderful younger brother to drive the RV to the storage spot.   I can’t wait to see everyone!   Hasta Luego!


1 comment:

  1. I was tense reading that entire post until you finally stated that the younger and not older brother would be driving RV to Buffalo. Whew.
