Monday, February 25, 2013

Windy Desert Days

February 18-24, 2013

Monday:  Not much to report from today.   The only interesting thing of note is that we’ve been getting twilight visits from a local coyote pack.    They seem to be made up of a bunch of youngsters who haven’t quite gotten the hang of a good howl yet.    Instead, they have an eerie yipping cry.   Very spooky.

Tuesday:  With the forecast for the next two days to have massive winds, we took refuge in the library today.   It was very busy, since there was an actual winter storm warning for upper elevations.   The local elder population gathered in the library to discuss the weather and to pick out DVDs to pass the storm with.    We just enjoyed a good surf session.   While the library did have wifi, it wasn’t a great connection.    With all the people, it seemed to keep kicking off.   So we just used the phone and the mifi.    Seeing the palm trees in the parking lot bending in half in the wind…it was decidedly a good idea to have found shelter for the day.

Wednesday:  This morning, I made a trip across the dry lake bed.    There’s an interesting phenomenon in the valleys of vast mountains whereby your perspective gets seriously messed with.   Like in the spinning tunnel of Ripleys.    Anyway, I had estimated that it would take about 10 minutes to walk across the lake to the foot of the mountain.    Boy, was I off.   It took me 30 minutes!    I would have guessed that it was 1.5 football fields.   By the time I got halfway, the changed perspective made it look like 8 football fields in either direction.   It was seriously disorienting.     I battled the straight-line winds both ways, cross body.  Cassie hated every minute of the wind…poor bugger.  Her ears were flapping behind her head the whole way.   :-)

Enough with the wind!    It’s too much!    Yuck!    Luckily, it’s hitting the rig broadside, so we don’t get any howling from the windows.   But it rocks the rig so much that it’s like we’re driving 70 down a pothole ridden road.     Sometimes it seems possible that we’ll tip over.   We took a lesson from our elders and passed some time with a movie.

Thursday:   I drove closer to the main road (and most of our fellow boondockers) to do some internetting today.    Not a bad drive.   Actually, it’s kind of fun to open up the throttle and punch it on the dirt road.    With far ranging views, there’s no danger of not seeing anyone oncoming (though that’s rare).  Usually when we have to drive into signal range from one of our boondocking sites it’s a horrible twisty curvy drive.    This drive is 2 minutes.   So, we might reconsider parking in signal range for the 2nd half of our trip.   The tradeoff to keep our privacy is probably worth it.

Friday:  Today we drove to see if we could find the end of Rockhouse Road.    We occasionally see people driving by, and they don’t return for hours.   Since there is a sign at a fork indicating “Rockhouse Canyon”, we were hoping there was a slot canyon trail for the hiking.   Hoo-boy.  We quickly figured out why it took people so long.   The road SUCKS.    It took 30 minutes to go less than 5 miles.    Not wanting to pop another tire, we gave up and pulled over.   We decided to just walk across to the nearest hill and go for a climb.    I thought we should just start up at the closest point.   Missy thought it looked too steep, so she wanted to walk down the road a bit and access the hill from a gentler point.    We couldn’t agree, so we parted ways.  :-)

I had a fun time with the challenging hike up the slippery rock face.    I traversed over to the direction Missy was headed in towards.    At one point, I called out to her.  I couldn’t imagine she didn’t hear me because it was soooooo quiet.   But she didn’t respond.   So, I made my way carefully down a boulder ravine.   It was really fun!   Normally I only encounter boulder hopping on rivers when scouting or portaging.    Wet rocks are much slipperier.   These were desert dry, and fun to navigate.  I got back to the truck and there was no sign of Missy.   She finally came limping up 40 minutes later.   I guess she had a rougher time of it.  With no watch, and no spotting me (she didn’t see me at all, and did not hear me calling), she got worried about how long it was taking her.    (She could have taken her time…I was fine sitting in the valley taking in the view).   She got some blisters and scratches and ouchies from cacti.    Pobecita.

Saturday:   Early this morning we packed up the bike and computer and drove into range.   One girl sat and did some surfing and downloading while the other went for a bike ride.   Then we switched.   It was a great way to get exercise, see some new sights, and get some shows.   

Sunday:  Happy 70th Birthday Dad!    Sorry we’re not in range to give you a call today…    Hope you enjoy this shout-out on the blog!

The winds came back last night.   SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!    I had to get up at 3:30 am to put in earplugs.   Sadly, the wind is coming from the direction that makes the windows shriek.   IhateitIhateitIhateitIhateitIhateitIhateit.    Sigh.   I tried to go for a bike ride across the dry lake bed.   I wanted to check out some signage I’d seen in the distance from my previous walk.    However, what seemed like a fine surface when walking, turned into a sinking-mud-type surface for the bike, making it seem like I was biking in molasses.    If that wasn’t hard enough, half the time I had to pedal into the wind.   It was hard!    I gave up sooner than I would have liked and headed home.   I took the long way so Cassie could inspect the scrub bushes.   After all this time here, a jack rabbit finally broke cover right in front of her!   She was so excited!  She chased that sucker sooooooo fast, and seemingly for a long time.   I guess it was looking for just the right briar patch.    I love to watch her hunt…it’s sad there are no gophers here for her.

Back home, we had to pull in the bedroom slide to deal with frickin wind.   We decided to watch a movie to cover the howling…Missy picked a horribly depressing movie that made everyone suicidal.   Good going.   Tomorrow, we’re packing up and heading to the state park campground for one night.    I’m not sure, but if more winds are in the forecast…we might just be changing out plans to get out of this windy hell-hole.

1 comment:

  1. It's so unusual to have a blog post about how the environs are so awful.
