Sunday, November 11, 2012

North Corral Creek Campground

November 5-9, 2012

Monday- We went to an internet café and got somewhat decent speeds for surfing.  We had our inaugural commute via double scoot.  It went very well!   Missy has definitely improved her driving after her class!   We’re going to try to use the scooter as much as possible, since we get 60 mpg.  The only snag in the plan is when we want to go somewhere to have a hike.   Then we have to take the truck so Cassie can come.   But yay for having the option now!

After checking weather reports and seeing that the extended forecasts were still favorable at our next spot (i.e. no scary snowstorms), we decided to stay in our current spot for a bit longer.    When we got back to camp, we checked out the other side of the campground.    When we first got here, there were a couple of campers already here.    Now that they’ve gone, we feel that they had the best spot.   Better views (we can now see the river from our rig).  We’ll move tomorrow.    We had a campfire tonight.   The stars put on a nice show for us, as long as we were outside.    When we were ready to call it a night, I shoveled about 2 tons of sand on that sucker to make SURE it was out.   Fire Safety is Important!

Tuesday- We got semi-packed and drove 100 yards to our new spot.  (We didn’t pull in the slides).   Love it!!!!!!   We should have moved earlier when the other people first left.   This spot has 2 trees for shade…very helpful for the full sun and high 80s weather we’ve been having.   Other than moving, we spent some time on bike projects.  Specifically: installing kick stands and bells.    For some reason, WalMart doesn’t think adults want bells.    So I now have a Cars bell on my bike, and Missy got the coveted SpiderMan.

Wednesday:  Woke up early this morning, but still had to wait almost an hour for the one English speaking radio station to get around to announcing who won the Presidential Election.   Woo-hoo!   No Mitt!   It was kind of a strange feeling not knowing who won, and more specifically, not knowing whilst the rest of the nation DID know.   We discussed looking into getting a cell phone booster or satellite internet system.    We enjoyed the last of the shorts/flip flops weather for the foreseeable future.

Thursday: Left early for a trip to Bakersfield.   It’s about an hour twenty south.    It includes a long stretch by the Scary and Impressive Kern River valley.    There are tons of warning signs about taking the river seriously and not dying.   I wish we could see it when it was running.   We got into town around 9:30.   Found out the library didn’t open until 11.   So we did some shopping at Walmart first.    When we got to the library, we found out that there was crappy wifi.   Sigh.   I miss Colorado and its great wifi and phone reception in the mountains.   (I do NOT, however, miss its cold and snowy winters). I did a lot of research on upcoming moves.  Missy did a lot of research on cell phone boosters and sat.    It’s hard to do anything without an address for shipping to.    We tabled technology discussions and left the library.

Next up: Costco.   We were extremely disappointed that they didn’t have the Kirkland sunglasses that we have been desperately seeking.    We got them a while ago in MN, but since then, they’ve never been stocked again.  (ours have scratches).  We were certain that CA, where it’s sunny and warm still, would stock them.   Nope.     This trip to town was turning into a real bust.    Interesting notes about Costco:  unlike the rest of CA, the prices were pretty much the same as in MN.   But some differences between states include: in CA, the eggs are in one 18 pack; whereas in MN you have to buy two 18 packs.   Also, they don’t sell caffeine free diet pepsi.  Boo-hiss!   I guess they use that shelf space to sell Squirt.   Is that more refreshing than CFDP?   Hell No!   And finally, at the exit, one of the vendor booths you pass (carpets, furnaces, etc.) is for caskets.    Huh?????  I wonder how many impulse buys for caskets they get in a week.

Friday:  Today was forecast to be quite a bid colder.   Highs only in the 50s.   We drove with the pooches to check out that boondocking clearing we found last week.   It was a great place to park and be able to do a walk that Buddy could handle.    It was strange having the sun be as harsh as ever, but not provide much warmth.    As we were getting ready to go back home, clouds moved in and we got some precipitation.   Where we were, it was mostly rain with some snow.   But as each system passed over the nearby mountain tops, it deposited fresh snow up high.   Then the sun would come out and melt it.   Rinse and repeat all day.   It was fun to watch this weather system all day.   At night, we had some cold temps into the low 30s.   Luckily, the furnace worked wonderfully.   

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