Saturday, September 8, 2012

Loving the North Shore!

 September 6-7, 2012

Thursday:  We set up our loungers overlooking Lake Superior and had a lovely setting for enjoying our morning coffee.   We spent a good bit of the day reading and relaxing, with brief periods of packing everything up and putting it away when rain threatened.   But it was only ever a couple of drops each time.   One thing we’re struggling with at this campground is the noise.    With the road and the waves and the wind, we really need to raise our voices to hear each other.  But so far, neither one of us can remember to talk louder.  Pfft.    Every other phrase uttered here is: “What?”   Missy thinks she might want to leave because of the noise.   But, since most of the parks are fully reserved (meaning we’d be counting on luck in getting a non-reservable), I think this is the best option.   I mean, this view should be worth the noise, right?
I took Cassie on a shoreline hike (Missy stayed back with the Budster).   I love the North Shore!   Sadly, I couldn’t sit and stare at the waves as long as I liked, because Cassie picked up some biting flies.   There were none on me, and none even visible other than on her.   But she had a contingent that was at least 30 strong, and she kept slamming her head into the rocks to try and dislodge them.   So we went back to camp.    Next time I’ll have to remember to spray her.

After dinner I got Cassie again and went up the waterfalls hike.  It’s a short ½ mile hike up river, but within that ½ mile there are tons of features.  Lots of waterfalls and pourovers and rapids.   At 6:30 pm on a Thursday, I had the place entirely to myself.    So I got to let Cassie be off-leash to hunt squirrels whilst I sat and watched the waterfalls.    I hiked down off-trail for a closer look at one drop, and found a neat giant bird’s nest on a small cliff.   If we can find the camera, I’ll go back and get a picture.   It’s a great example of American Craftsmanship.   Assuming the builder was American, of course.  J
Friday:  We headed to Tettagouche SP to check out the situation on non reservables.   There aren’t many choices.   Damn the public for utilizing this amazing resource!   After leaving the park, we went to Palisade Head for a bit of a hike.  I must say, I was a little disappointed.   The lake was totally calm.   Water was only gently lapping at the shore, instead of producing spectacular splashes with waves crashing.   I’ve been here several times in the past, and there have always been waves.   I didn’t realize the lake could be calm.    Oh well.    We didn’t stay longer then 20-30 minutes because rain moved in.

After Palisade Head, we went into Silver Bay and over to the small library.   There was no wifi, but they did have internet connected computers for use.  So we did some research into possible places for our next move.   After the library, we got some groceries and headed the 20 miles back to camp.  The weather stayed gloomy most of the day, with intermittent showers.   I’m glad we did our outing today when it was crappy out.   Hopefully the weekend will be nothing but blue skies and gentle breezes!
The weather cleared up at dinner time.   It was a nice, non-windy evening.   I spent some time down on the lakeshore and Missy did some reading.  At dusk, we built a campfire.   Sadly, the MN State parks do not let you bring in ANY firewood of your own (except for untreated lumber.  Anyone have any lying around that they want to give us?).   We bought one bundle for $4.50 and it only had 6 logs.  So we had a mini-fire, by our usual standards.   3 logs don’t last very long.  I know Missy was slightly disappointed not to have her usual outrageous bonfire.  

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