Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Trials and Tribulations of Using the Self Timer

I'm going to set this up to post next week when we're out of touch.   Since I don't want my eager readers to suffer without a post for too long, I'm going to entertain you with some outtakes.   The following are the results of my bumbling attempts to use the self timer button on the camera when on my hike with Cassie.    Hope you enjoy!

First Spot- by the creek.

Test shot of Cassie, looked good to me!

I meant to take an elbow shot

Ooops!   Took a shot of my water pack.

WTF?????  Didn't know it was even possible to get a fuzzy shot from using the timer...

Well, I'm not looking at the camera, but I'll take it!
 Second Spot- in the woods!

Test shot with Cassie- so far, so good!

How do I keep taking shots of the backpack?
Um- why am I staring at the ground?

A little zoomed out, but it's a vast improvement!

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