Sunday, July 1, 2012

Nothing Exciting

June 28-30, 2012
As the title indicates, nothing too exciting happened these few days.    I realize some of you might be asking yourself, “Then why blog”?    The answer is, we want to have a daily accounting to look back on.   So that’s why I try to at least put something down.    We’ve been enjoying camp life here.  It’s still not busy, and having senior citizens for your only neighbors has its benefits.  No loud music or carousing!    (Although, ask Missy sometime about what she did to the neighbors’ hummingbird feeder).  We do some activity or another in the cool mornings (usually a bike ride for Missy, and a hike for me). Then we enjoy reading in our loungers.   Pretty much right on schedule we’ve had thunderstorms move in for the early afternoon.    After a couple of hours, they move on out again.  

On Friday we drove to Gunnison.   Normally this would be a 1 hour trip, but with the construction it took an extra 20 minutes.   The public library had disappointed internet speeds.   I got faster results using the 3G from my phone.   After leaving the library, we tried and failed to find a place to fill our water jugs.   We were hoping Gunnison would be like BV and Pagosa Springs by having awesome water.   Oh well.    We stopped at Walmart and the grocery store and headed home.   When we approached the traffic, the pilot car was JUST heading out in our direction.  We got to skip the 15 minute wait!    It was funny how that made our day!

*On Saturday we texted with Dad for the first time ever!   (new phone)   He was over at Josh’s for a visit.   Made us miss everyone, especially our adorable nephews.    Can’t wait to get back to MN for a visit.   Oh, and Josh and I started playing Words with Friends for the first time.  Let’s see how disciplined he’ll be able to be when it’s his turn during work hours.  :-) 

Sunday will be our first run on the Taylor River.    I’m very excited and nervous!   Hopefully we won’t have any CFs or Boondoggles…

*Everything in this paragraph was actually tremendously exciting!


  1. Tina won both of the first two games, though she did draw all four of the blanks.

  2. I consider that an apt handicap for playing an opponent who's a board-closing sumbitch
