Sunday, May 6, 2012


May 5-6

Saturday-We got up early, Jeremiah finished off the Chinese food for breakfast, and we brought him to the airport.    There was zero traffic on the way nor at the airport.  I think Jeremiah was the only scheduled passenger for the day.   I took a picture of Missy looking sad as we dropped him off.   Then Missy took a picture of me being nervous to be on our own.   Thanks, Jeremiah!   We had a blast on the road trip/RV orientation.    Seeya in a month, hopefully!

After leaving the airport, we went to Camping World, Costco, and Petsmart.  Got a sweet new lounger chair at Costco.   We bought only 1, which turned out to be a mistake.  It's so comfy, we're prolly going to be fighting over it.   At Petsmart, we got a dog ramp.   I had misgivings on whether it would assist Buddy in getting into the RV, but Missy wanted to try it.   Turns out I was right.   Buddy could not handle the steep grade with no muscle in his back legs.   Sigh. 

The big purchase at Camping World was a new GPS.    It has lane assist, which is crucial for chicken-shit drivers who hate merging while towing a fifth-wheel.   The only issue is that it needs a maps upgrade, and we don't have decent internet speeds here.   Not sure what we'll do...maybe try stopping at the Santa Fe library for wicked fast wifi.  (The issue is what to do with the fitty, since we'll be hooked up).

Sunday- We were supposed to leave for Taos this morning, but we had a bout of the waffles.   We went back and forth on different options for where to go.   Looked up weather for tons of cities.   (ironically, while we have no rain and thus no kayaking here in NM or even in nearby CO,  MN is having some rain and the rivers are running there.   Grrrrr.)  Finally, we decided to just stay here another night.   That way we could go back to ABQ to return the dog ramp and get another chair at Costco.   We spent some time cleaning the rig.   Missy also got herself a longtime coveted Oreck vacuum on this trip to Costco.   I've been against getting one, since I don't mind sweeping.  Plus, you can only use it when you have electric hook-up or have the genny running.    But she said it was a message from god that Costco stocked the one vacuum she wanted.    Soooo, now the rig is freshly vacuumed. 

Tomorrow we are headed for Taos.    (Cassie will be so excited!   The pooches have had no off-leash walks here, and even leashed walks are shortened due to the extreme heat).  Right now, I'm planning on taking the truck to the nearby Walmart for an oil change first thing in the morning.  Right next to it there's a propane gas company, so I can fill our propane tank also.  Hopefully I won't bow out from laziness, because it would be nice to get these errands done before heading to our next boondocking site.

If we don't respond to emails/texts starting tomorrow afternoon, it'll be because either we crashed and died trying to move/park the fitty without Jeremiah, or else it will be because we have no reception. 

p.s. That is NOT a doctored picture of Missy next to an obnoxiously lifted truck. Her head barely reaches the bed! We were going to wait in the parking lot for the owner to come out so we could see how they got in. Perhaps this is the way we should have gone....higher instead of lower. Now living with regret...

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