Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Harbor Happenings

January 12-14, 2013

Saturday- While I was writing the last blog entry, Missy took Cassie for a walk on the beach.    She put on her rubber boots so she could walk in the water.  After I finished the post, I leashed the Budster and went to the beach to see if I could find them.   But, they were nowhere to be seen.    So we sat and watched the surfers and other people for a bit.   After 30 minutes or so, Missy came back and said that the harbor was lovely right now.   It was in the lee of the wind, so it was just a gorgeous sunny spot.   We decided to bring the dogs home, have lunch, and then head back to the harbor.

Wow!  What an idyllic day!   We put on our kayak shoes so we could walk on the water’s edge all the way over to the rock.    Then we just soaked it all in.  Tons of ducks, a few playful otters, neat diving pelicans.    On the far side of the rock there are some peregrine falcons nesting.   There were several people set up with telescopes for viewing, so we knew where to look.    You could hear their distinctive shrieks, and then suddenly there they were!   Those suckers fly like bullet trains.   One time I was lucky enough to have the binocs trained on their nest, so I was able to follow one for almost a minute as it was darting about, seemingly just enjoying the wind currents.    So neat.

Sunday- This was supposed to be our moving day.   But…since CA is still in the throes of unprecedented cold/windy weather…we decided to stay another couple of days.    After our usual morning beach walk with the dogs, we headed out to do some shopping.   As an aside…it sucks not having a dog who likes to play fetch.   I’ve been jealous every day of people enjoying their dogs on the beach.   These dogs are adorable…running and playing and being silly.  

Monday- Today’s windchill seemed especially cruel.   It’s tough to have blue skies, full sun, and sandy beaches and not be able to go outside without winter coats and hats.   Brrrr.  

After lunch, I went on a solo bike ride back to the harbor.   I bundled up, needing my face mask and gloves to help with the cold from the wind.    It was another stunning scenery day at the harbor.   I frickin forgot to bring the binocs, so I could only imagine from afar how adorable a mother and baby otter were being in the middle of the bay.   I got 10 feet from a HUGE great blue heron.  And I saw a snowy-white egret catch a fish right in front of me.    We had some old bread, so I had a blast feeding the seagulls.   Missy won’t let me feed them around her because she’s scared of a swarm of indiscriminate pooping.    She doesn’t know what she’s missing.    

After an hour or so of harbor watching, I got back on my bike to see if I could get closer to the sea lions I could hear in the distance.   I rode over to the same spot where Missy and I kayaked with the ones begging at the boat.  There was no boat there this time, but there were still a lot of hopeful sea lions milling about.    I took my bike down to a dock on the water level and just sat in the sparkling sun and enjoyed watching them.   Every now and then, I’d get surprised by a sea lion popping up right in front of me.    Since they can swim so far underwater, it’s hard to track their movements.    So it’s neato to be delighted by a surprise pop-up.   I’m going to miss my harbor visits and all my harbor friends.

We leave tomorrow for Lompoc, 2 hours south.   We’re headed to Jamala Beach, a county run campground on the ocean.    From what I can tell, there will be no reception there.  We’ll have to drive 20 minutes inland to get reception.   So, we’ll be out of touch for several days at a time.     I’m very excited about this new spot.   People do kayak surfing here, so we’re probably going to give that a try.    We’ve been watching some youtube videos on how to catch a wave on the ocean, so I’m sure we’re going to be pros.   J   Actually, I’m not sure if the surf will be high enough, but I think even just bobbing around in the waves will be fun.   And finally there’s good weather coming up!   Yay!   Should be sunny and 70s!   

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