Sunday, June 10, 2012

Enjoying Silverton

June 8-10, 2012

Here are some of the things we’ve been up to lately:

- We brought the car in to order new rotors and brakes.  I also had the guy look at the knobby things.   We now know the correct term is “sway bar”.   The shop that took the lift out should have bought a new shorter sway bar too.   By not replacing it, we only get a  few inches clearance, which means we can’t go on some of the ATV/4x4 trails until we get that taken care of.   These two things will be expensive.  Sigh

- When the repair guy was looking at the tire, he said “you’re 4 wheel drive isn’t working”.   I was dumfounded.   I guess the tubes that connect to the tires are disconnected.    I was sick at the thought of the trouble we could have been in thinking we were in 4 wheel drive but not.   So scary.   He said he’d see about getting the tubes reconnected when we bring the truck in for the brake re-do (next Tuesday).   But if it’s not fixable by just reconnecting, he can’t do the real fix because working on 4 wheel drive is labor intensive and hard.   So we have our fingers crossed on this one.

-A miracle occurred and now the scootie is fixed!     Well, not really a miracle.  When I told Jeremiah about the mishap, he said that the scootie wasn’t meant to be upside down.  When the liquids get where they shouldn’t, the scootie won’t run.   But, after a day of just sitting upright, it should work.   And he was right!    So at least we won’t have to pay for expensive scootie repairs.

-A real miracle occurred!   The kitchen sink just up and fixed itself one morning.   It no longer drip-runs for a minute when you shut off the faucet.   Plus, it gives a nice strong hard stream now.   I guess the small bit that was clogging a tube and causing the problem must have worked its way free.  Yay!

- We went to the Silverton Library to do some internets.  It’s quite adorable.   It’s the size of a 1 room school house from olden days.   The librarian knew every patron by name and personally chatted with each of them.  I thought it was very quaint.  And the internet speeds were fantastic.  (While at the library, I was able to research and figure out that the small brown mammal we’ve been seeing everywhere is the yellow bellied marmot).

- We drove around looking for possible boondocking sites for our next move.   We followed precise directions from one blogger, and either the boondocking is no longer allowed or it was an elaborate hoax.   The road ended (well, it did for RVs, since to continue you had to cross a stream).    Bummer.    We went back to town and took another route up a different mountain.    There we were hopeful because we saw the usual signs about maximum camping limit of 14 days.   And while we did see some small spots that smaller campers could fit in, nothing was suitable for our rig.   Shoot.   This means we’ll have to do some more research on where to go next.   Luckily there’s a great library for that!

- Nothing else much has been going on.    We go for our bike rides each day.   (Taking off the chain and putting it back on seems to have fixed the slipping problem).    We take the dogs for exercise on a cleared hillside nearby.  It has about 100 hidey holes for the gophers that abound.   Cassie LOVES it!   She runs around like a maniac with her nose to the ground, inspecting each hole.  She seriously looks like a drug-sniffing dog working on a huge case.   It’s a lot of fun to watch her.

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