Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Gooseberry Falls State Park

May 4-May 7, 2013

Saturday:   With cold, windy weather today, no one was in favor of paddling.   So we met the Mangroves in Duluth and watched the Lester Race.   It was kind of low, so a last minute call was made to skip Almost Always.  Bummer- no carnage.   But it was a nice hike up the river on our tour of the rapids.   The rain stopped by race time, so that worked well.  The only problem was that I was dressed for sitting in one spot in the cold rain.   When we hiked up river, it was too warm for 3 layers of pants.  J

After the race we went out for Mexican and then headed back to GSFP for some games and good times.    If you get a chance to try “Ticket to Ride”, I highly recommend it.   We had a great time with Mike and Melissa and Piton!   Thanks for the visit!

Sunday:  Mike had to leave for work after breakfast.   The rest of us weren’t so motivated to do any runs.   I guess Jeremiah found that none of the good local creeks were at optimal flows.    So, after a nice mid-morning nap, Melissa made us go to the Baptism.  Missy decided not to run.   I was really feeling the effects of inertia and did not want to go either.   But I made myself go.   It was strange being in sunny and 50 degrees and get to a put-in where there was still several feet of snow on the ground and enormous ice dams on the river banks.   The flow looked good, and we met up with a group that had previously run it.   So we got some good beta on the 3 major rapids and joined forces for the trip.

I had a great run!   I was nervous through the first rapid, but after some nerve-recovery time in the eddy I was raring to go.   It was a fun level, with some great wave trains.   I picked a better line than Jeremiah on Kramer’s Choice!   At S-bend, I remembered the line and styled it!   Poor Melissa didn’t know the rapid, and since you can’t see what the person in front of you did, she didn’t know the line and went into a hole.   After taking the scenic route through 2 more holes, she managed to roll up safely.  

By the time we got off the river, it was nice and sunny and warm.   We went back to camp and failed to talk Melissa into calling in sick to stay one more day on the shore.   

Monday:   Jeremiah and I went to the visitors center in the morning to use their wifi to play bridge.   It’s nice to have great woodsy scenery to look at while playing online.  J    The plan was that all 3 of us would go do the Baptism at 3.   But when we got back to camp, both Missy and Jeremiah wanted to postpone a day because the weather was just too nice to go.   Losers.   So I went for a bike ride.

Missy and I took the dogs on a walk to the lake.   So nice to have the campground to yourselves…  We had one funny incident.   There are deer everywhere, and they aren’t at all skittish.   So we encountered a pair that happened to be right by a tall fence.   (There’s some argument over whether it was just a straight fence or if it was an enclosure).   One deer sauntered off and the other was stuck ramming again and again and again into the fence in a panic.   Cassie ran up to it and then…stopped in confusion.   This deer was not following the rules of the game where both parties run as fast as they can and the deer always wins.  It was really amusing to see Cassie face-to-face with the large animal and not know what to do.   After a minute, she went with barking.   It was sooooo funny.   The deer did finally get loose and run away.

Tuesday:  Baptism day.   Nice warm weather.   Unfortunately, I got the terrors when we got to the river.   No idea why.  I like this run, just had a successful time the day before, was plenty warm.   Sigh.   It was stupid to put on.    Anyway, long story short, I flipped in the canyon section and had no energy to try to roll.   I barely got my skirt pulled and had to fight to swim into a boiling eddy.   Sadly, my boat got trapped in a room of doom.   Jeremiah sat and watched it circle 20 times.  Finally, we all got off river and had to use ropes to rappel Missy down the ice cliffs so she could snag the boat.   About once every 10 circles, the boat presented itself in a manner where it could be clipped with a carabineer.   We got lucky in that once Missy was hanging at the river’s edge my boat was clipped on the second circling.  Phew?   I kinda was done with kayaking at this point and would have been fine to lose it like my paddle.   Sigh.   We hiked up the short hill to a stunning cabin.  Jeremiah walked the 2 minutes back to the put-in and retrieved the vehicle to come pick us up.    So yeah.  That sucked.  Thanks to my sibs for once again rescuing my ass and stuff.    That might be the last time.

The rest of the day was nice.   Temps in the 60s with great sun.    The only issue was the wind was a little chilly.   We all used the showerhouse and did some clean-up in anticipation of having JKMC over to visit tomorrow.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Catch-up Post

May 3, 2013

So…yeah…it’s been awhile.   There’s a lot that’s happened since the last post, so I’m just going to do some good ol American bullet points to try to document some of it.

-The drive back was hairy.   We demolished the springs on the fitty 20 miles into our 2000 mile trip home.  Spent 10 hours getting emergency repairs.   That put our whole driving plan into the crapper.   Had to do some serious reconsiderations to outrun stupid winter storms.

-Could not dump tanks prior to arriving in freezing weather in MN.   Last 6 hours of the trip was in scary fog.   We were happy to be home!    Enough rain melted the snow at our house that Jeremiah was able to park us on the driveway.

-Mom went into the hospital again for a fall right as we got home.   We had to do some scrambling and have meetings to figure out the next step.   By some miracle, she got a coveted opening at Good Sams.   So some plans had to be rearranged so we could get her moved into the new place and moved out of the old.

-Had a blast visiting Dad’s in Detroit Lakes.   Still tons of snow on the ground, which was a little disappointing.   But, Jeremiah ran the snowmobile to make us paths in the woods.   Made for nice walks with the dogs and nephews.   Love me some good plow piles!

-Brought the fitty to Camping World.   The following items were addressed:  new springs (driver’s side), axle/bearings maintenance, new brakes, new brake controller, new LP tank hoses, slide maintenance, new landing legs switch, welding fix for the ramp door.    We were going to get the black tank leak fixed for a big cost.  But, due to the freezing weather, no work of the plumbing type was possible.   This turned out to be a blessing, because I happened across an RV forum post where people talked about external valves.  Instead of costing $300 in labor to fix, we bought a $20 part.    Haven’t tried it yet, but we’re keeping our fingers crossed.

-Waited, and waited, and waited, and waited for spring to arrive and kayaking to start.   This is the longest and coldest winter in a long time.   Aborted one weekend at the Kehn Cabin due to cold.  

-Finally got a weekend with sunny skies and temps in the 70s.   Drove the fitty to the KC (where Jeremiah got it parked).   Enjoyed a 3K run on the Kettle.   Tried to find some creeks to run in the Duluth area, but with snow on the ground and ice still on the creeks, it was no good.   Jeremiah and Chad did a portage-heavy run on the Knife, and a low run on the Lester.   Left for Kettle again (5K) to get a run and some play time in (boys only).

-Camped at Banning.  New dump on site!   Cool!   Of course, it’s not open due to cold.   Only 2.5days of warmth.  Then back to freezing temps.   Hard to believe it’s May.   We dithered on what to do.  Go home and give up on kayaking…or head to the North Shore and wait for warmer temps and running creeks.   We ended up deciding to head north.  So right now we’re camped at Gooseberry Falls State Park.    We’re all alone.   The water isn’t on here either.    There’s lots of wildlife, and of course it’s great to be on Lake Superior again.

-Some notes on new issues:  looks like we’re going to come off kind of lucky with regards to the not winterizing.   The shower nozzle cracked, but that was fine because I’d already purchased a new one (to have better flow).   It took FOREVER to fill the fresh tanks at KC.  There’s some issue with the air valve.   I can't work on it until we get to a campground with full hookups.    Another problem: the landing legs are not working right.   The switch is fine, but the motor is on its last legs.   Missy and Jeremiah keep having to use manual and tools to get parked and unparked.    Looks like we might have to get a new motor.   Sigh.